Disease Information


Atopic Dermatitis (Atopic Eczema) 2022-11-03

About Atopic Dermatitis (Atopic Eczema)

One of the most common chronic inflammatory skin diseases affecting up to 20% of children and 3% of adults in developed countries with increasing prevalence and thus burden on healthcare systems. Clinical symptoms include dry skin, intense itching (pruritus), rash, swelling (edema) and skin infection with increased thickness and cracks in the skin (lichenification) at chronic stage. Although Atopic Dermatitis (AD) typically begins in childhood, it can persist through adulthood and follow an unpredictable course of remission and relapse. As a result, AD has a significant negative impact on the quality of life of patients and caregivers, particularly mental health and sleep quality. Histologically, AD is characterized by infiltration of the inflammatory cells including lymphocytes, eosinophils and mast cells, to the skin. Impaired epidermal barrier functions and exaggerated T-helper cell (Th2) immune response are thought to play key pathological roles in the disease onset and progression. Current treatments for AD focus on reducing skin inflammation with corticosteroids, immunosuppressants and immunomodulators. JAKi as a small molecule provides an attractive therapeutic approach to target Th2, Th17 and Th1 cytokines signaling pathways in AD.


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